Another voice from Palermo
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20/06/2008 15:14
Umberto Santino is the President of the Centro Siciliano di Documentazione .Giuseppe Impastato.. He talks to us about crime-fighting organisations in Palermo.

There are other centres besides the Centro Siciliano di Documentazione (Sicilian Documentation Centre - ed.). There's the Terranova Centre, the Costa Foundation, the Falcone Foundation and the Borsellino Centre, all financed by public investment. From time to time the University also organises conventions and publishes papers on the subject.
Since the 1980s 'legal awareness' activities have been introduced into schools. However they're not frequent enough yet. There are also a number of community centres doing good work: there's the San Saverio Centre at Albergheria, 'Zen Insieme Centre' and the 'Padre Nostro Centre' which was founded by Padre Puglisi in the Brancaccio district. (Padre Puglisi was murdered in 1993. ed.)
Not forgetting 'Dipingi la Pace', in the Borgo area and the Arci Youth Club in Borgo Nuovo. As you see they're nearly all parish centres. There are no independent community centres. A few years ago there was one in Montevergini, but it's not operating now."

"Palermo is overrun with criminality. Just look at people getting on a bus, nearly everyone gets on at the back to avoid paying for a ticket. Breaking the law is part of the culture here. Even in everyday life."
“There are often monuments and plaques at the scene of a crime. However there's nothing to mark important places such as the headquarters of the Sicilian Fasci in Via Alloro (the Fasci dei Lavoratori were a group of ordinary Sicilians who challenged the power of the Mafia at the end of the 19th Century). There's not even anything to commemorate the Fall of the Fasci (1892-1894). There is, however a monument to Francesco Crispi, the head of Government who ordered the massacre of the Fasci. The inscription on the monument now reads “United in a monarchy …” since “Divided in a republic” was cancelled!
Intervew with Paolo Briguglia, co-star of the highly acclaimed film The Hundred Steps