Two hours in Florence
Two hours in Florence in the footsteps of two famous families . . . and a serial killer.

The Medici Trail
While there may be little of the Pazzi family left in Florence the Medici seem to have left their mark all over the city. Even those of you on a tight schedule will be able to take our Medici Trail as everything is close to hand. We start our tour in Palazzo Medici, in Via Cavour, built by Michelozzo in 1444 and home to the Medici for generations. Palazzo Medici now houses the Prefecture and its facade is badly deteriorated due, in part, to the high level of pollution in the city centre.
Our next stop is Florence's oldest church, Chiesa di San Lorenzo. First built in 4 AD, it was rebuilt by Brunelleschi in the 1400s and holds the tombs of many of the Medici family. Lorenzo de' Medici (also known as Lorenzo il Magnifico) and his brother Giuliano, who was killed in the Pazzi Conspiracy, are both buried in the Sagrestia Nuova (New Sacristy), Michelangelo's first architectural work.
Shop renovation
Just off Piazza della Signoria is one of Florence's most famous shopping streets, and one of the few pedestrian precincts in the city, Via Calzaiuoli. Walking down Via Calzaiuoli we come across one of Florence's shopping landmarks - Ugolini, clothes shop and haberdashery since 1896. In 1938 when one of Ugolini's customers asked Arturo, the then owner, to get rid of the "English-style" decor, Arturo refused and firemen, armed with axes, completely destroyed the inside of the shop. The customer, for the records, was one Adolph Hitler.
When nature calls
At this stage you wouldn't be human if you didn't feel a certain longing. However, unless you're prepared to pit your luck in one of Florence's many bars and cafés, you'll have to make a run for Palazzo Vecchio. Forget the building's illustrious past and look for the second inner courtyard. Here, much to your relief, you'll find the public toilets, the only ones in the city centre on going to press.